Sunday, May 3, 2009


I have pretty smart kids. Sometime too smart for their own good, and too smart for me. Kara, who studies Nutritional Science up at San Jose State University got inducted to the Dean's List during a very festive Honors Convocation. All the professors had on their robes and sashes...the whole regalia!
The entire sports facility was filled with proud family and friends, and the Professor of the Year spoke eloquently about the importance of education and the sorry state of the California budget.
About a week later, my youngest son Peter was again inducted to the National Honor Society and he received a sash that he'll wear with his robe on graduation day.
So we're proud of both of them and hope that the future holds great promise as it should...even in these difficult times, such ceremonies mean more since they give us such hope and remind us that our youth will carry on!


Annelies said...

What a proud Mom you must be!!!! Not only smart kids, but sweet ones too. You are SOOOO blessed!!!! Hugs, Annelies

Von said...

Hurray for Kara and Peter!! And congrats to you Jacquie, for raising such great kids! :)

Jacqueline Korteland Boller said...

I plan on going to Costco to get pixs of my oldest son...he just got a permanent parttime job which will hopefully go fulltime. I have to celebrate his successes too.