Sunday, March 27, 2011

No More Teenagers...Happy Birthday, Peter!

 Ah, was it really 20 years ago?  Doesn't seem possible!   Today is my youngest son Peter's 20th birthday!!  Above was the sonogram that was done around 3 months...he was cute even then!
 I was so happy when he was born!!  He was a bit of a trouble maker playing with the umbilical cord!!  He kept the medical staff on their toes!!  But he was born healthy at 9 pounds 2 ounces!
 Always the happy third child along for the ride!!  Such a smiley guy!  Always having fun!  Below is our happy little family!!  Wow, we were so young then!!  Those kiddos kept us busy!
Now Peter is a college guy with a cool girlfriend!!!  Happy Birthday, my guy!!  And many happy, successful years ahead!!!


Meghan said...

Happy Birthday to your Baby! And thank you beyond words for all your encouraging comments and messages about mine. ;)

Annelies said...

Happy Birthday....was it really 20 years ago that we were stenciling Peter Rabbit in his nursery. My the time goes soooo quickly. XXX

Jacqueline Korteland Boller said...

Thank you, Meghan, for taking the time and writing here...believe me, I was ready to jump in the car if it would have helped!!

Annelies, I found the pictures of us stenciling...I can't believe it either!!

Goes to show enjoy every moment!!