Thursday, February 26, 2009

My Beatrix Potter Progress so far...

Above is my progress with Needleprint's Beatrix Potter's really coming along well! I'm mixing up different hand dyed silks by Viki Clayton: Everlasting in the big flower, Quince 1411 which is the solid dark mauve of the medallion below and Fish Pepper 4425 which is the lighter mauve seen in the star portion of the medallion above.

I so enjoy stitching this sampler during this stressful time while Frank is looking for employment and while the dog heals up from her stomach surgery and gets over her ulcer. Yes, I have a dog with an ulcer...we have her on a special diet of steamed rice and chicken, and she seems to be loving being spoiled!

I'm loving how the different colors of the silk play off of each other. I pretty much decide which color I'm using at a whim and whatever looks good at the time...

Saturday, February 21, 2009


We got the call we'd been waiting for yesterday regarding Maggi's biopsy test...the poor doggy has an ulcer!! So she's to remain on the steamed rice and chicken diet for the next two weeks. An internist is going to look at her results and then recommend some dog food for her. In the meantime, she still gets to take her medication...two things to help with digestion; an antibiotic; and the pain one. Kind of tricky getting her to take these since she doesn't like the pill pockets anymore, so I've been encasing them in pieces of chicken...does the trick for now!

We're also back to doing walks, albeit short ones. But she's so happy jugging along...and so am I!

Monday, February 16, 2009

My Maggi beagle dog...

My beagle doggy Maggi is having stomach surgery as I write this...first noticed that her tummy was as hard as a rock on Saturday, but when I applied pressure, nothing. Even took her out of walks this weekend where she was pulling me, not the other way around, and her appetite was good as usual.

I went to cuddle with her this morning, and when I lifted her up to put her next to me, she yelped in pain. I lifted again, and she yelped again. Not your normal I don't want you messing with me kind of protest that usually is accompanied with a little nip for emphasis (which she is immediately sorry for with kisses), but a yelp of true pain.

Frank said, "You better take her in to the vet," so I did. I don't think I would have had he not insisted with his unemployment situation.

X-rays showed some fabric and since this sort of thing has a way of wrapping itself in the lower intestines, surgery was necessary.

Doctor asked if I knew what it was, and on the way home from taking Peter to the sports medicine doctor, it occurred to me that there was one particular toy falling apart...her long Santa toy...that I didn't have the heart to take away from her. Now I wish I had. So took it over to him, and it gave me a chance to see Maggi before going into surgery.

So good thoughts to my dog please...with everything else going on, it's such a blow and cruel joke.

When is something good going to happen? Enough already.

Update: Vet called to say that no fabric or fiber was found and he followed the entire intestine...thinks now that something irritated the stomach lining and an biopsy is being performed. Now we wait to see what that might reveal...

Saturday, February 7, 2009

My 22nd Anniversary...

Frank and me
Above is my family shot...below is Frank's family...quite a contrast...

With things a little stressful and tight financially, not much thought was put into today which is our 22nd Wedding Anniversary. My husband is focused on finding another job, while I'm refreshing what's necessary in filling out the FAFSA financial aid forms for my three college aged almost adult children.

Well, hubby and I did find something to do...I have a facebook account as well, and my high school girlfriends, who had already scanned and posted their wedding pictures, were bugging me for mine. It took some doing, but Frank installed the scanner program into my laptop, and I took out my favorite pictures from the Wedding album, only to discover that it was difficult to put back into the matts, so tomorrow, I'll scan the pages of the album leaving the pictures in place.

I hope next year will be better. It was good to see the pictures again, especially the ones with my Opa and Oma, who have long passed away, looking so vibrant and happy on my special day. My parents too looked so much the role of the mother and father of the bride. It doesn't feel like 22 years ago, although we've had our rough times lately. Here's to better times in these rough times...